Wednesday, January 23, 2008

McRant with McFries

OK, I know this review has been there for awhile on but here is my retort.'s no-frills interface is not particularly attractive, nor is it easy to grasp at first glance. Like similar renaming utilities, offers several renaming options including the ability to remove, replace, or append characters; rename MP3 files based on ID3 tags; and modify character case. Also, it can clear symbols and digits from file names. You can filter files and folders, and preview before applying modifications.

Unlike similar apps, doesn't have the capability to revert file names back to their originals. We also had a tough time learning how to operate certain features, including Scene, Padding, Enumerate, and Truncate options. A more comprehensive help file would've been better than the brief tool tips that are offered. The program claims integration with Windows, but this feature didn't materialize during testing."

OK, rather than my rant aimlessly I shall dissect this POS review.

"'s no-frills interface is not particularly attractive, nor is it easy to grasp at first glance."
  • So bitterness but no actually criticism *shrug*, I am more than open to suggestions but from my user base I get nothing but good reports.
"Unlike similar apps, doesn't have the capability to revert file names back to their originals."
  • Yes, its not 100% idiot proof. That is what the preview button is for which is auto enabled @ the start and after every run / preview. Post 4.0 will provide some minor undo functionality. Adding extra code to prevent DSO Errors isn't a top priority for me as it is incredibly boring and does not improve functionality.
"We also had a tough time learning how to operate certain features, including Scene, Padding, Enumerate, and Truncate options."
  • I do find it strange the reviewer for is quite possibly the most ignorant person to use my program ever. Lets take truncate, you can truncate from the front, middle or end of the file name (still with me ?) then you enter how many characters you would like to truncate, then (this is the hard bit) you click run (with preview mode enabled by default) to confirm that your options are going to provide the results you want. Again I have no problems with constructive criticisms but this read to me like a big old whinge.
"The program claims integration with Windows, but this feature didn't materialize during testing."
  • Right click on a folder in explorer, click Im sorry but this complaint really shat me off. has had explorer (add konqueror) integration since the 1st GUI (there were a few releases where the reg file was not packed into the nsi installer - so sue me).
So in summation, while I do appreciate reviews I also appreciate it if the reviewer bothered to take more than 1 minute to use the program before slamming it. To all the software users and reviewers out there: Don't be shy, drop the programmer an email - you never now the feature you request may be one he just never thought off, program got a bug ? let him/her know as they may not have struck it themselves. Interface could be more intuitive ?, write and suggest how.